Tack your lost android smartphone. Find my device

                Track your android phone

this is very simple website to find your phone location .

*Track your lost android phone  click thies link *

*{{Track your lost android phone in website}}*

Track your lost android phone cllick me..!     <-click.

*{{Track your lost android phone in android app}}*

Download lost android phone in android app..! <-clk

login your gmail a/c this gmail in your lost phone 
login gmail and now in map window your lost/present android device current location is view
now the down side is 2Button is ring and lock.

1) Ring button:- this button is used for your gmail login device is onew full volum sound alart.

2)lock /delete button:-This button is used to your lost device is full data is delete and lock the your android device.

Losing your smartphone is not only terribly inconvenient, it can also be emotionally and financially devastating. The more you can do to protect yourself in the event that you lose your smartphone or have your phone stolen, the better. With Android Device Manager, you can massively increase your chances of not only getting your phone back, but also protecting yourself if it is gone for good. Here is how to use Android Device Manager as an anti-theft tool. 

Android Device Manager needs two things before it can locate a phone. The device needs to have remote location enabled, which you’ll find in Google Settings > Android Device Manager > Remotely Locate This Device (make sure the box is ticked), and it needs to have location access on too. That’s in Google Settings > Location. If these settings aren’t enabled, then Device Manager won’t be able to locate your device.

Android Device Manager works for tablets as well, but if you have multiple user accounts, only the tablet ''owner'' can turn on the Android Device Manager features (or turn them off again).

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