Spacedraw download for android Free.


This is 3D models maker app for android..
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Make Your 3D models use a  very simple app

information spacedraw..
•change the view while drawing or modeling, using multi-touch or by tilting your device
-up to 4 touch-points, gyroscope / accelerometer
•toggle wireframe, shading, textures, lighting, x-ray, backface cull; hide objects / faces
•perspective / othographic projection

•draw freehand-lines, CAD-polylines & splines in 3d, combine them to complex networks
-rotate the construction-plane while drawing
-adjust splines via anchor-points & handles using multi-touch
•create rectangles, grids, boxes, polygons, prisms, pyramids, discs, cylinders, cones, tori, spheres, helices
-various parameters
-auto-align them to surfaces

•select & transform any number of vertices, edges, faces or objects
-preview highlight
-multi-touch lasso & paint selection
-select paths, loops, rings, border, outline
-grow/shrink, invert, convert selections
-soft selection
•move simultaneously in all spatial directions, using two fingers
•rotate freely around all 3 axes, scale, flip objects
-individual / common pivot
•snap to a 3d-grid, points, lines or faces

•link objects hierarchically
•create copies, instances & arrays

•model arbitrary complex polygon meshes, manifold or not
-normals, colors & UVs are retained
•weld vertices (center / target / auto), merge or collapse faces & edges
•extrude or bridge edges & faces
•subdivide regularly, insert edge loops or “draw” edges
•detach, split, slice
•chamfer edges & corners

•"inflate" lines or edges to pipes
-at branchings, the simplest possible joints are created, yielding contiguous manifold surfaces
•"thicken" surfaces to solids
-create manifold objects even from complex constructs

•create "patch-surfaces" from spline-networks
-2-, 3-, 4-sided patches
-adjust them via control-points & handles, using multi-touch
-create smooth surfaces, creases & cusps
-mix patches with polygon-meshes

•place directional-, point- & spot-lights
-adjust color, ambient / diffuse intensity, decay, cone-angle & -falloff

•define materials: diffuse & specular color, shininess, emission, transparency, texture
•assign them to whole objects or individual faces
•assign vertex-colors to faces, edges, vertices, creating gradients
•view & edit normals

•map textures using planar, box, cylindrical or spherical projection, or face / wrap mapping
•adjust the maps directly in the 3d-viewpot, split or weld UVs
•use your own images, or the included over 100 varied materials
-adjust & crop the images
-use transparency
•create procedural textures: gradient, tile, checker, clouds, turbulence

•paint directly on surfaces in the 3d-viewport

•move, resize & zoom "windows" using multi-touch gestures

•choose any color with one grip by moving in the 3d color-space with two fingers

•change the colors & sizes of the interface, pointer, vertices, edges...

•import & export .obj files incl. materials, textures, normals*

•undo any operation, save the full construction-history to a file*

•a status-bar shows hints for using the tools

•a detailed user manual is available, covering all of Spacedraw's functions

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